Clade: open-source AI platform for investing
What is the Clade platform?
The Clade platform is an AI influenced market investor application, which certain platform components are either fully open-source or hold some commercial sensitive licensing.
The motivation behind the team at Clade was to bring together their knowledge of AI and Machine Learning with Big Data and the Stock Market. Due to the change in how large companies with wealth backgrounds can adopt AI technologies, this is now one of the fastest growing areas in the Fin-tech space.
The Fintech space until now has been dominated with the emergence of BlockChain technologies, however we’re still not really seeing any real-world benefits of Bitcoin and Ethereum in our everyday lives. We are certainly seeing a boom and bust in this space and there are many new and old alt-coins coming to market with their own specific targeted audience.
AI in the Fintech space is however, starting to have real world differences. This is because companies can now start leveraging key indicators, which mean traders and wealth management companies can view the data coming out of the AI and Machine Learnt Algorithms and make demonstrable decisions. They can do this, because the data, although sometimes vast can be trusted.
This is where Clade comes in, because these algorithms rely on several factors, such as:
- Real-time world data such as share price, news, social media
- Historical data such as stock candles or previous earning
- AI/ML algorithms
At Clade we know that points one and two can be facilitated by using data feeds already available. However point three is quite new and evolving. The documentation and doctoral theses around building these are somewhat publicly available, we know that there are libraries, which already use such as Sentiment Analysis or Keyword Extraction. We also know that this space is new.
So what are we at Clade are working on? We’re targeting point three at points one and two. This is to say, we are using these algorithms with real-time and historic data in order to generate analytical data points. These data points can be used by our individual customers when reviewing stocks, shares, ETFs even crypto to make judgments calls.
The pie chart below, contains what looks like a easy indicator of whether you should buy/sell or buy lots. This recommended data is where the Clade platform excels, because we will give you granular level insights into how this was generated.
The Clade platform will be constantly monitoring the data coming in and this chart will update in real-time as the Clades algorithms change in response to the ever changing market conditions.
Clade will allow the user to deep dive into each of the categories and show the user exactly how this data was generated. Every tweet, every article, historic data point and current data points, absolutely every data item, which has been processed will be referenced.
This allows our customers several key abilities:
- Full transparency of how the data was generated
- The ability to follow up each item and navigate for example reviewing an article, which generated a data point
If we take an idea like a pharmaceutical drug, which just about to complete a phase 3 set of results. At this stage the market has not yet heard or responded to these results.
Clade algorithms will be waiting and watching all the feeds coming in and using Keyword Extraction, Sentiment Analysis, Historical Results and much more Clade will be able to respond to this data and subsquently change its markers within the pie-chart. Clades algorithms will be both generic and bespoke depending on industry and even at the company level.
If you’re interested in Clade and want to know more. Please head over to the KickStarter and ask us some questions.
We would love to hear from you and always happy to reply.
Team Clade.